Difference Between DAS and DVS

2023-05-27 09:57:28

Keywords: DAS DVS

DVS is a qualitative measurement, detecting vibration by amplitude, but the amplitude is not linear with vibration. 

DAS is phase demodulation, and the demodulated phase is completely linear with vibration, allowing complete recovery of the vibration or sound signal.

DAS is more sensitive than DVS, but the DAS system is more difficult to demodulate and more complicated to process. 100M DAQ is used for DVS system, but 250M DAQ is used for DAS, so DAS needs to handle a larger amount of data and the software development is more challenging.

After DAS mediation, the amplitude and phase data can be obtained, so it can also be seen as DAS has included the function of DVS.

In terms of product price, DAS systems are usually more expensive than DVS.

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