What are the laser requirements for the DVS/DAS system?

2023-06-18 00:27:09

Keywords: ultra-narrow linewidth lasers DVS lasers

Distributed fiber optic vibration monitoring system DVS/DAS system with ultra-narrow linewidth lasers, 1550nm 3k linewidth 20mW lasers are usually used in our system.

The laser requires extremely high stability, no modulation and power jumping, etc. Otherwise, the system will have various abnormalities.

The laser is CW continuous light output mode and internal modulation scheme is not recommended. It is preferable to use an AOM acousto-optic modulator to modulate the CW continuous light to obtain a pulsed light signal. The laser module should not be so large as to take up too much physical space and make it impossible to miniaturize the final product.

ultra-narrow linewidth laser 3k 1550nm

ultra-narrow linewidth laser 3k 1550nm

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