What scenarios are distributed fiber optic vibration systems used in?

2023-05-24 12:06:35

Keywords: DVS DAS

Distributed fiber optic vibration DVS, DAS systems are characterized by vibration sensing through fiber optics, distributed linear measurements, used in the following areas:

1、Perimeter security
Large controlled areas, such as large chemical plants, barracks, oil depots, etc., are laid out around controlled areas to prevent trespassing, usually fences, compound walls, etc.

2、Oil and gas pipelines
Long distance, 10KM, 20KM, or even 40KM for natural gas pipeline; for early warning of illegal construction excavation.

3、Defense fiber optic cable, communication fiber optic cable
Very similar to 2, as well as for fiber optic cable tracing.

4、Intelligent transportation
Measure traffic flow information on the highway, as well as collision fence information, etc.

5、Geological exploration
Geological survey, geological exploration, oil logging.

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